SuperHack CD.bin
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well, here it is...the long awaited release of my script
read this for quick explanation of how to use effectively
[installation - VERY IMPORTANT]
i m very structured in my hd cleanliness, so unless u want to change
all the paths in all the inis....
make a dir:
c:\progra~1\internet\mirc (progra~1 = program files)
copy mirc32.exe here, ur server.txt file, and the remote.txt and
ctcp.txt help files there
make a dir off that one:
put the .ini's here
if u want dr.bardos shit to work, put the .exe's in:
do this, and the bitch will run beautiful..
[background (skip if u don't care)]
well, lesse..one day a couple months ago $me gets an internet account..
so, he jumps into mirc, and joins first chan he sees of interest..
in this chan resides sift, who takes me under his wing..i go get firefight
next day, we proceed to take my first chan..#mircbots, that was fun.
three days latah, i trash the firefight alias's n write my own..
next, i del the popups ini file..start from scratch (kept some floods n shit)
finally, i del the remotes, change the dir structure, and bam, it's mine,
from scratch. (i kept the kix under rip kix section for apathy/laziness reasons)
oh yea, most of the non fb floods in there r ripped from firefight,
i don't flood much, so i don't care...
this script has been cripled before it's release in the following wayz:
took out my gaurd/tracer bot..sorry, but very specific to me..
took out takeovah and flood clones (still working on technique)
oh yea, then there's webslinge..that's a whole diff. story though..
let's just say, this is the real godbot, and his god script was ripped
from me (title)
i use the keyboard a lot, so the alias's r large..let me give u a run down
to mark away, /brb, or /brb? to leave reason, /back is back..duh
bans n kix:
/b (ban just as u type)
/bn (to ban nick lev 3)
/bk (ban n kick)
add a ? to the end of those, it asks for a reason
instead of /xxx /txxx does temp ban
channel shit:
/channorm +snt
/chanopen +tn
/secure +stimn
/cls clears screen
other: /j, /p, /hop, /t
ctcp cmds:
/fing, /ping, /send, /chat, /version, /uinfo, /cinfo, /time
/disguise sets random nick
/dis xx does /disguise every xx seconds
/disoff turns random timer off
op shit:
/op ops up to three users
/dop deops up to three lusers
/opn wall op notice
/opm wall op msg
all these r used internally, except:
/off all timers off
/tracer split watcher..make ur own server.txt..:>
/protect enables all the standard shit
/chanonly goes channel only mode
/lockdown goes ignore all, keeping script clean
well fuck, that's it..this script ain't all that great, but i like it.
it's quick, and gets the job done..i never get flooded either..
(cept meth's killer nick floods when i don't have ops..:>)
oh yea, all user list maintance is done manually..just cuz
and, rem, it's not the script, it's he with the best split who wins..
credz, greetz, and general bullshit
first and foremost, sift, taught me everything..best split ridah i've seen yet
secondly, jlaff and crack, without u, i wouldn't laugh half so much
fry, what can i say..we got a lot in common to talk about..damn good scripter too
rank: y do i put up with u? hehe
_flln: fuck off..:>
chak:you are one fucking pimp or something :>
all my friends from the #scripts takeover week..ehhe..sup
efm: we rule efnet!
um, i won't go on..list could go forever..if ur not in here,
u know ur cool if i hang wit u...:>
total lame fux:
looking1, or whatever u go by now
fuck, it's 6.oo am again..damnit..later